Submit Your Abstract for IAPV25
Please use this page to submit an abstract for International Advances in Plant Virology 2025 to be held in Murcia, Spain and online.
Please submit an abstract submission using the Word Pro-Forma File. Please keep the abstract-text to 300 words, which includes the reference list. AAB staff and scientific organiser retain the right to remove any extra words.
Please select whether you intend to present as an in-person or online delegate. Both in-person and online delegates will have the same opportunity to present although we encourage you to attend IAPV25 in-person given the collaborative benefits of face-2-face discussions.
Any abstract that is within scope but not selected for an oral presentation will be asked to bring a poster presentation. Oral presenters will also have the opportunity to bring a poster to the meeting.
We ask you to submit an abstract within a specific topic area as this will make it easier to us to build the event schedule.
Importantly please include the email address of the Presenting Author so that we can contact the correct person with information about their submission.
Abstract submission deadline for Poster Presentations only is February 28th 2025.
If you have any questions about your abstract please contact John Andrews ( and Geraint Parry (