Submit Your Abstract Here



Need to submit an abstract for an upcoming AAB conference?

It couldn’t be easier 🙂

To upload your abstract for this meeting, simply download the abstract pro-forma and upload with the name of the presenting author, whether your submission is for an oral or poster presentation and finally whether or not you are an early career professional.

Please keep the abstract-text to 300 words, which includes the reference list. AAB staff and scientific organiser retain the right to remove any extra words.

Once an abstract has been accepted by the conference organisers, you will not be able to make any changes to the abstract. In exceptional circumstances please contact Dr John Andrews in the AAB office.

Note it’s important that if you have any questions about meeting finances, for example invoice requests or registration updates please contact Bernadette in the AAB office (

If you wish to submit an abstract for the International Advances in Plant Virology (IAPV25) meeting please visit this abstract submission page.

Upload Your Abstract Here

Please complete the form below to upload your submission for one of our upcoming AAB Conferences.

It is important to highlight who is the ‘Presenting Author‘ so that the organisers can contact the correct person with the meeting arrangements.

Please carefully select the event to which you are submitting an abstract and whether you are applying for an oral or poster presentation.

Please download an abstract pro-forma here, which includes the required format especially of the in-text references and a reference list (if needed). Please upload and use the Submit Abstract button. We will not take extra time to reformat your abstract.

Please download a list of accepted abbreviations here.

    Title Of Presenting Author

    First Name of Presenting Author
    Last Name of Presenting Author

    Email Address Of Presenting Author

    Title of Abstract

    Which Upcoming Conference Are You Submitting This Abstract For?

    Please indicate whether your submission is for an Oral or a Poster Presentation

    Are you a student or an Early Career Professional (within 5 years of completing first degree). We ask to ascertain eligibility for certain conference awards

    At the time of submission, do you intend to join the event as in-person or online (if available) delegate?

    Upload Your Abstract (MS word file only please)

    The office staff are mostly working remotely and so should be primarily contacted via email.

    In the case of any urgent issues, please contact EO Geraint Parry at 07411967414

    AAB is a registered charity (1195899)

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    CV35 9EF

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