With increasing awareness of the importance of ‘soil health’ and pressure to reduce pesticide inputs and use alternatives, this conference aims to bring together a unique group with expertise in a range of disciplines to present and discuss ways to manage soil-borne diseases ‘outside of the current toolbox’.
The aim will be to consider how we should use novel and existing strategies both now and in the future. This would include all crops grown for food and fuel. Research and views around the impacts of rotations, chemistry, soil-health, biological control, the impact of microbiomes, suppressive soils, disease detection and associated technology and modelling would be welcomed.
The sharing of research findings that have potential to work cross sector and be included in integrated pest management (IPM) strategies e.g. from horticulture to arable crops are encouraged.
Registration Fees for this online event:
AAB members: £10-£15
AAB non-members: £30-£80. All non-members willl receive AAB membership until the end of 2022
Registration deadline: November 5th (credit-card payments only after October 27th)