Submit Your Abstract for IPGSA 2025
Abstract submission for the International Plant Growth Substances Association (IPGSA 2025)
conference is being managed by the AAB.
IPGSA 2025 takes place on June 28th- July 3rd in Fort Collins CO, USA
Event details here:
To submit your abstract for this meeting, simply download the abstract pro-forma and upload with the name of the presenting author, the abstract title and whether your submission is for an oral presentation only, an oral or poster presentation or poster only presentation.
Submission should be made via a Word file that can be downloaded here . Please adhere to the formatting guidelines as this greatly helps the organisation of the schedule and abstract book. Please ensure your abstract is less than 300 words.
Early Career Researchers are defined as being as less than 10 years post-PhD.
Abstract submission deadlines:
Abstract submission deadline for ensured consideration for Oral Presentations is April 15th 2025 and for Poster Presentations is May 30th 2025.
After the April 15th submission deadline the abstracts will be circulated to session chairs so that they can select speakers.
All abstracts from unpaid registrants will be removed on June 1st. Therefore be sure to register for the meeting before this date.
If you have any questions about abstract submission please contact Dr John Andrews in the AAB office.
Upload Your Abstract Here
Please complete the form below to submit your abstract for IPGSA 2025.
It is important to highlight who is the ‘Presenting Author‘ so that the organisers can contact the correct person with the meeting arrangements. You will receive a receipt email from AAB but this might go straight to your Junk-mail so please check in that location.
Please upload and use the Submit Abstract button. Please keep to the suggested formatting as it greatly reduces editing time.
The office staff are mostly working remotely and so should be primarily contacted via email.
In the case of any urgent issues, please contact EO Geraint Parry at 07411967414
AAB is a registered charity (1195899)
Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne,
Warwick, CV35 9EF